Lyndsi Loumakis, Vice President of Finance and Alysha Loumakis-Calderon, Vice President of CareerSmart Learning and member of the MHA Board of Directors accept the award from Jeff Thrash, MHA President, on behalf of the Loumakis Family and all ISYS®’ company staff.
PRESS RELEASE, March 8, 2017 – ISYS® Solutions, Inc., and its operating divisions ISYS® Case Management and CareerSmart Learning were honored by the Mental Health Association of Orange County (MHA) on February 23, 2017 for their commitment and support of mental health programs. ISYS® has taken an active role in supporting MHA’s community programming since 2013, and is one of the largest private donors supporting MHA’s homeless and veterans outreach programs.
At MHA’s Annual Community Service Awards Luncheon this year, Jeff Thrash, the President of MHA, presented a surprise award to “The Loumakis Family” and all those at ISYS® and CareerSmart for their “Extraordinary Compassion and Support” of mental health programs in Orange County. In his speech, Jeff voiced appreciation for the many areas in which ISYS® and CareerSmart have contributed to the enhancement of mental health programming, ranging from financial support to tangible item donation drives from the company’s many employees.

ISYS® staff, including those members of the Community Service Committee, and Nurse Supervisors, attended the MHA Awards Luncheon where those serving mental health consumers and consumers are recognized for their efforts.
Company efforts include annual and ongoing fundraising drives such as sponsored gift wrapping booths around the holidays, food booths at local festivals during the year, all of which are staffed by company volunteers; underwriting the MHA Thrift Store staff which generates revenue for the nonprofit and serves as a resource for MHA housing and job training programs; and donating a percentage of company sales campaigns to MHA. It also includes annual collections of items, such as clothing, sanitary supplies, and more for distribution to those in need.
ISYS® and CareerSmart are proud that the company’s success has enabled us to contribute to this deserving and underserved population; honored to be acknowledged for these contributions; and committed to continuing to serve this community.
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