One of our core values at ISYS® is to “give generously.” We do this by hugging our customers, by hugging our employees, and by hugging our community by paying our good fortune forward. While ISYS® frequently champions causes recommended by our employees, and routinely supports local organizations such as girl scout troops, youth sports teams, animal shelters, or drives to assist with donations for natural disasters, we take great pride in our strategic long term community giving programs, which consist of the following:
Each year, representatives from each of our departments come together to develop a strategic plan for community giving. The strategic plan is based on ISYS®’s historical decision to focus efforts on mental health and veterans assistance, but to also include employee recommendations gleaned from our annual employee survey.
As a result, ISYS® facilitates four formal community giving campaigns per year.

Our ISYS® Charitable Activities Action Committee for 2024 includes representatives from our Case Management, Quality Control, Customer Relations and Executive Management teams.
ISYS® proudly partners with the Mental Health Association (MHA) of Orange County, which provides outreach, housing, outpatient, and wellness services to improve the quality of life of those suffering from mental illness. Ways in which we support MHA include, but are not limited to:
In 2017, MHA Orange County acknowledged ISYS® for our “Extraordinary Compassion and Support” of mental health programs.

Veterans Assistance
ISYS® contributes on a routine basis to assist veterans in connecting to needed mental health services, to assist homeless veterans in obtaining shelter, and to assist veterans in need of outpatient care and/or job seeking skills. This is done through our partnership with the Mental Health Association of Orange County (MHA) and our ongoing support of this organization.
In addition to supporting MHA’s veterans program, ISYS® also contributes to the Pat Tillman Foundation, of Tempe, AZ, which provides educational scholarships to families of fallen soldiers, among other services.
disaster relief
ISYS® and our generous staff are quick to lend a hand during natural disasters, whether to help our fellow employees affected by California wildfires or to help our fellow citizens in other parts of the country affected by hurricanes.
In 2017, ISYS® staff filled the corporate office lobby with supplies purchased for Hurricane Harvey victims. Our Charitable Activities Committee sent boxes and boxes of needed supplies to the Houston Salvation Army and Texas Diaper Bank and a financial contribution to The Rebuild Texas Fund.
ISYS® annual disaster relief drives include:
In addition to the above, ISYS® also provides routine support to the American Red Cross to assist with local and national disaster relief.

One Love animal rescue
One Love Animal Rescue and Sanctuary’s mission is, “To help any animal in need by providing care, attention and rehabilitation before finding them a loving, forever home.” One Love rescues, rehabilitates, shelters and homes animals in need. They collaborate with volunteers and vets to ensure the best possible outcome. When necessary temporary foster homes are secured, and One Love provides long-term sanctuary to animals with special needs.
Donations for referrals:
In addition to our quarterly campaigns, ISYS® makes a donation for every referral received for Case Management Services and reports quarterly to our staff and customers on the amounts contributed. In 2018, individuals making referrals have the opportunity to pick one of the following four nonprofit organizations to direct our donation on their behalf to: