There’s an old saying: “Perfect is the enemy of Good.” It reminds us that chasing perfection often leads to frustration because perfection is nearly impossible to achieve. Life teaches us that flawlessness is rare, if not unreachable. However, while perfection might be out of reach, excellence is attainable.

Excellence isn’t just about what we do; it’s about why we do it. It’s the commitment always to improve, recognizing that there’s always room to grow. Unlike perfection, which suggests a final destination, excellence is a continuous journey.

Excellence is a mindset—a way of thinking that requires a vision, goals, and guiding principles:

  • Vision: A clear vision aligns your efforts with the company’s direction, helping you stay focused and on course.
  • Goals: Goals provide milestones to measure progress. They give meaning to daily efforts, ensuring that each step brings you closer to your vision.
  • Guiding Principles: These go beyond just doing your best. They’re commitments to growth, like “I will always challenge myself” or “I will continue to learn.” These principles prevent complacency and push you to keep improving.

Striving for a higher standard means excellence should be evident in every aspect of your work. Leadership must embody it, and customer interactions should be driven by it. Yet, the most powerful source of excellence comes from within. It’s your responsibility to not only do your best but to challenge yourself to be the best. Remember, striving for the best isn’t about chasing perfection—it’s about continuous improvement. Embracing learning, growth, and adaptation is what fuels this journey.

Excellence is contagious. Your extra effort, attention to detail, and persistence will be noticed by those around you. While you can’t control others, your example can inspire them to strive for excellence, as well. Most people, given the opportunity, want to excel and improve. By leading with excellence, you not only elevate yourself but also your team.

So, what’s next? Whenever you have the chance to enhance your skills or knowledge, seize it! Embrace the challenge to learn and do better because every step forward is a step toward excellence.

(Note: this post is adapted from an article by Douglas Clark, Corporate Communications Manager for G2OPS, a Cybersecurity and Risk Management firm)


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