Each quarter of the year ISYS decides on a specific giving campaign to focus special efforts on. For quarter one of 2023, our charity work focused on helping foster kids, and it was a great success!

Our initial goal was to raise enough money to build 100 sweet cases to help 100 foster kids. Foster kids often don’t have anywhere to keep their personal items and may have only a trash bag when in the system, so these sweet cases serve as something to call their own and store their belongings, plus they receive useful items inside (toothbrush, teddy bear, blanket, coloring book/crayons).

First, we started an online campaign to gather donations to purchase the sweet cases with, and we were encouraged by the level of participation we received from colleagues,  so many in our various geographies participated. Then we held a raffle at our 25-Year Anniversary Gathering where several more colleagues made additional contributions to this wonderful cause….And from there, guess what? We doubled our goal! Yes, we raised enough to purchase 200 sweet cases for 200 foster kids!

ISYS then donated the small amount left over to the Non-Profit Charity Foster Love, Together We Rise, and made an additional cash donation to provide more support to their important work. We also decided to purchase added items to put into the sweet cases for the kids (pop-it toys, flashlights, and toothpaste).

One of the best parts of this charitable campaign was getting to build the sweet cases together with some of our local ISYS/CSL work-family. This was no small feat and required 2 days of volunteers on two separate weeks, but we did it, and had fun in the process! Everyone created amazing and original works of art to decorate them too. Who knew we have so many incredible artists! It was impressive to see all the finished bags.

Special heartfelt thank you to those who gave to make this fundraiser possible. You have made a difference, and we are proud that together we helped 200 foster kids in need!

With gratitude to the customers, we serve too, because you make all this giving possible, thank you!

To learn more about the non-profit Foster Love, Together We Rise:


And stay tuned for info about our next quarter’s charitable giving campaign. 😊

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